The ILM course was recommended to me by my line manager. She knows I am keen to progress in my role and she knows that Fircroft is a good place to study as our organisation often recommends the college to our service users. The other bonus of studying the ILM Award at the college is that you only have to stay at the college for 2 weekends, along with some of my own work at home, to complete it.
After the ILM Award I had a much clearer understanding of the structure of my organisation, why it is set up the way it is and it is easier to navigate my way around different departments and functions when I am working on projects with colleagues. I have also been given more responsibility as a manager since I did the course.
Learning about leadership styles has helped me to review my own approach to peers and adapt my style according to situations to ensure I get the best result and it has explained why and how certain decisions are made by my organisation.
I found that being residential at the college really helped – I was able to study at different times including the evening – without my normal family distractions around me. It was also great to catch up after dinner with other students on the course.
The biggest thing studying the ILM at Fircroft has given me, is confidence. I am ambitious and studying this course with other managers from different organisations, along with support from the tutors, has really made me realise I can go further in my career. I returned to Fircroft to study the 2 other ILM Awards and I feel these will really help me to progress and achieve my ambitions as a manager.