Student Newsletter July 2024

Take a look at our latest news stories below:

In this newsletter……  

Our new courses   Announcing our new courses starting from September to December.  More information below – if you see something that floats your boat, why not apply?  

Celebrations   Read about how we celebrated as the end of our academic year approaches, and important term time dates.  

Volunteer Fair Wednesday 31st July 2024   We are holding a volunteer fair next Wednesday, and you are invited!  If you would like to talk to some of our referral partners about the benefits of volunteering with them and to register your interest, see below for more information.  We look forward to seeing you.  

Our fees are changing – and it’s good news   Take a look at our fee entry requirements below that have been revised from September this year.  

We are Green Gown finalists again!   Not for one, but 2 awards this time.  Read on to find out more.  

Doug Wright MBE, High Sheriff of the West Midlands, Visits Fircroft   We were delighted to welcome the High Sheriff of the West Midlands recently.  Read on to find out more.  

Open Days   Our Open Days are always popular – see below for information and a link if you would like to register to attend one of them.  

Access to Higher Education Diplomas   We are taking applications for our Access to Higher Education Diplomas, starting in September. Take a look below to access more information about our diplomas and how to apply.      

New Courses  

Take a look at our new courses starting from September to December, and apply here.




This week we celebrated the incredibly hard work our staff do all year round to help keep the college ticking over so that our students can achieve and progress.  We held a Values Day where we discussed our college values, followed by tea, cake and staff awards.  A great ending to a great year!  

Our college Values:  


Summer Closure  

The college will NOT be running any courses from Thursday 1st August to Sunday 1st September with our first courses of the new academic year starting on Monday 2nd September.  However, we will be holding open days throughout August, at the college.  See more information below.  

We wish all our students and other supporters, a happy, peaceful and restful summer – see you in our next academic year!    

Volunteer Fair Wednesday 31st July 10.00am – 1.00pm


Join us to talk to local charities and find out about how you could help your local community by volunteering.     The event will be held in the back garden of Fircroft College:

1018 Bristol Road, Selly Oakm Birmingham B29 6LH  
No need to book – just come along.  See you there!  

Course Fees
We are proud to be funded by the West Midlands Combined Authority which means this year our short and longer courses (excluding our Access to Higher Education Diplomas) are very likely FREE to you if your individual annual income is less than £32,000 (an increase from last year).  Find out more here.

We’re Finalists (yet again)! Green Gown Awards 2024


We are incredibly proud to be finalists yet again for the Green Gown Awards in not one, but two categories – the “Next Generation Learning and Skills” category for the college’s amazing work with the Green Changemakers course, originally funded by the West Midlands and Warwickshire LSIF, and “Sustainability Institution of the Year” for all of our hard work around sustainability.  We can’t wait to find out if we are winners in November – you can see all the fabulous finalists here.

Visit from the High Sheriff of the West Midlands

We were delighted to welcome Doug Wright MBE to Fircroft and give him a tour of the house and gardens as well as introducing him to some of our wonderful students.  Doug met some of our “Finding Your Place In Society” students, listened to their stories and why they come to Fircroft as well as sharing his own story with them.  Our students are always great ambassadors for us when we have visitors, and this class was no exception.  Thank you for helping to make Doug feel welcome!   You can find out more about Doug and his extensive work across the West Midlands, here.

Green Skills: Building The Future Course


We have just finished Phase 1 of this course, which is all about building our new eco-classroom in the grounds of the college.  Our students were keen, motivated and produced some amazing work.  If you would like to apply for Phase 2 in October, go to the website page here,.  We look forward to receiving your application.      

Open Days


We are still holding Open Days on some Tuesdays every month at 10.00am and 1.00pm.  You need to register using the link here and we ask you to attend your chosen session, on time.  If you are late, you may not be admitted as this could disrupt the Open Day session

Our Access to Higher Education Diplomas


Our Access to Higher Education diplomas are really great stepping stones to university and are particularly for you if you have had a previous bad experience in education, maybe have thought you could never go to university, you have gone through a period of challenge in your life and now want to study a higher education course or maybe for some reason attending an Access to Higher Education course at a larger college is not for you.  If this sounds like you, why not attend one of our Open Days? We can talk to you about your future ambitions, explain more about the course and help you to apply for one of the diplomas.  What are you waiting for? Apply today!

Access to Higher Education Diploma Open Days
Access to Higher Education Diploma (Social Science and Health)
Access to Higher Education Diploma (Social Science and Humanities)