Fircroft College is proud to sign the Colleges West Midland’s Education and Skills Pledge. COVID-19 has affected everyone, some more than others, but everyone will have felt the devastating effects the virus has had on our families, colleagues, friends and the whole of society, in some way.
This pledge has been signed by all the colleges in the West Midlands and states the support they will give both to individuals and businesses in providing education and skills, post COVID-19. Fircroft will strive to continue to provide its high standard of adult learning opportunities, but in a different way that keeps staff and students safe while they work together. Staff at the college are working hard at developing the college campus to adhere to health and safety requirements when we are able to accept students onto our premises again. Curriculum staff are busy developing the courses for the new academic year starting this September and we are already offering online courses at different levels, throughout June and July.
Mel Lenehan, Principal and CEO, says: “We have huge empathy for what communities have endured during COVID-19. Keeping in touch with our staff and students has given us an understanding of the effects the virus has had on people both physically and emotionally. We have all been through this and it is not over. Fircroft, as always, will do its best to provide a safe and supportive space for learning to help rebuild our society whether online or at the college and we can’t wait to start the new academic year”.
You can read the Pledge here.