Working With Mental Health Needs

3 days and 2 nights at the college

Friday 6th - Sunday 8th December 2024


This course is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and skills for workers who engage with individuals experiencing mental health challenges


This course could be FREE to you. Take a look at our fees page here


Level 1

Please note:

You must have the capacity to be able to discuss challenging topics during this course

This course is useful for people who are involved in supporting others. You may already be working or volunteering in this area and want to develop your knowledge and skills further. Or you may be new to this work and wanting to develop more, either in paid employment or in a volunteering or support capacity.

You will develop a deep understanding of mental health issues, learn effective strategies for providing support, and explore resources for helping people in their mental health journey. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and practical exercises, you will enhance your ability to promote mental well-being and create a supportive environment in the workplace.

During this course we will cover:

  • Overview of mental health and its impact on individuals and the workplace.
  • Common mental health disorders and their symptoms.
  • Stigma and misconceptions surrounding mental health

  • Developing empathy and understanding towards individuals with mental health challenges.
  • Recognizing signs of mental distress and early intervention.
  • Communicating effectively with individuals experiencing mental health issues.

  • Creating a safe and inclusive workplace culture for mental well-being.
  • Promoting mental health awareness among colleagues and supervisors.
  • Implementing policies and procedures to support employees with mental health needs.

  • Basic principles and practices of mental health first aid.
  • Responding appropriately to crisis situations.
  • Referring individuals to appropriate resources and professional help.

  • Identifying and managing workplace stressors.
  • Developing coping mechanisms and resilience-building strategies.
  • Encouraging self-care practices for individuals and teams

  • Understanding legal obligations and confidentiality in mental health support.
  • Navigating workplace accommodations and disability laws.
  • Addressing ethical challenges in supporting individuals with mental health needs.

  • Fostering a culture of psychological safety and well-being within teams.
  • Team dynamics and support strategies for colleagues.
  • Peer support and debriefing techniques for managing challenging situations

  • Reflecting on personal growth and learning throughout the course.
  • Developing individual action plans for ongoing professional development.
  • Establishing goals for creating a mentally healthy workplace.

Entry Requirements

You must be working at Literacy Level 1, or above

You must have the emotional well-being capable of discussing different types of abuse